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 Green Resources

Rigel has assembled a variety of green resources to help you gain valuable insight into the green and sustainability industries.


No matter where you are in the greening process, we have tools and resources to take your efforts to the next level.


We're providing a wealth of information from breaking news and features, reports and articles to white papers on green and sustainable initiatives for your review.



And if you choose to donate, all donations made for these resource goes to providing solar reading lamps to children in the villages around Limbe, Cameroon West Africa


To Learn More


Donate and receive reports, white papers and all  new and future publications.

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Six Growing Trends In Corporate Sustainability


​This report summarizes results based primarily on a survey of the GreenBiz Intelligence Panel, consisting of executives and thought leaders in the area of corporate environmental strategy and performance.


Panel members participate in brief monthly surveys to provide their expertise and perspective on corporate initiatives, laws and regulations, and scientific advances that are shaping the green agenda.

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Green Construction


There are a number of motives for green construction, including environmental, economical, and social advantages.


Green construction draws together a huge array of practices, strategies, and skills to cut back and finally eliminate the impacts of buildings on the environment and human wellness.

What it Really Means To Go Green


How vast is your knowledge in the subject of global warming? Reports on global warming and climate change seem to be everywhere and people are starting to get alarmed.


However, the publication of these reports may be a good thing since it presents that there is awareness of this particular problem.


As a response, people want to find ways on how to go about it. Get all the information you need here.

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